Monday, June 30, 2008

Day 13

Help me I am running out of this to do. I cant be nice no more he he lol joking. Today I really thought long and hard what I did that made a difference in the community, and I kept on thinking and I really struggled to come up with something that I did good or something I have done for someone, I don't want to write down that I have made a drink for my brothers or mother.

I really did not know what to write down, so when I was at tennis I helped out my coach by putting all the tennis balls back into the storage please where they store all the balls during the day. I felt good when I did it because not only did I help him I really helped him because it was raining (like always). He said thank you and that I was a huge help to him because I helped to pic up the balls and to put them away.

I always thought about this whole 17 days to make a difference thing, and I thought in the beginning that what is the whole point to this inquiry, and today I finally realised that 1 good deed makes a really Small difference, but put 25 good deed together it makes a bigger difference. So if everyone can just do there bit each and everyday, they whole world would be a better place.

1 comment:

Mr. Read said...

Wow Hennie. Your blog entry for Day 13 is really awesome. You made a special effort by helping your coach to put away the tennis balls. I liked your comment about if we all made an effort everyday that all our small deeds would make the world a better place. Imagine if we all treated our neighbour as we would like to be treated.....the world would be a much better place to live in. You have such a good sense of humour. You crack me up! Even your blogs are funny and I enjoy reading them.